Das lebendige Italienisch: eine Brücke zur Kultur

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Schätzungen: 101

N.1 hinzugefügt am 05/12/2022:21.49
Name: Gilda e Jean-Yves Favre
Origin: 1918 Grand-Saconnex Svizzera
C’est plus qu’une école… Oct 2022 Lucca est une ville merveilleuse dont les habitants sont d’une gentillesse rare. Nous avons passé 12 semaines au LIS dans une ambiance très chaleureuse et très accueillante. L’école se trouve à l’intérieur des anciens remparts de Lucca, dans un très élégant immeuble historique avec un grand jardin dont profite également les élèves. Nous avons rencontré des gens de toute nationalité (Australie, USA, Japon, Europe) et beaucoup apprécié ce mélange de culture. De niveau débutant, nous avons opté pour des cours standards qui permettent d’approcher la langue de manière pragmatique, en intégrant les règles essentielles de grammaire dans le cadre de discussions, jeux de rôles ou lectures de sujets d’actualité. Les journées se sont déroulées de manière très conviviale et détendue, avec beaucoup d’implication de la part des enseignantes. L’immersion dans la langue a été immédiate et nous a amené rapidement à sortir de notre zone de confort par le jeu d’exercices ciblés et très didactiques. La taille modeste de l’école lui confère un caractère très familial dans un environnement qui demeure très professionnel. Au fil des jours, nous avons pu acquérir suffisamment de connaissances pour pouvoir nous sentir indépendants dans la majorité des situations quotidiennes. Expérience inoubliable. Nous recommandons vivement cette école et entendons bien y retourner pour continuer notre apprentissage.

N.2 hinzugefügt am 25/11/2022:10.17
Name: Kathe Grooms
Origin: Herentals, Belgio
I've been delighted by my experience and think when I get home and can start reviewing my materials and notes I'll really make a big jump forward. Francesca and Giulia were ideal - so passionate and really well-trained instructors. My only regret is not having/making time to chat with and get to know Daniela and Angelo. They are so busy that I didn't feel I could say "Let's go for a coffee!" But maybe next time. So thanks to everybody for a wonderful month. I'll be back soon, Kathe

N.3 hinzugefügt am 23/11/2022:10.40
Name: Katy Graham
Origin: California, USA
Your school is just marvelous. I am so impressed. We have learned so much and the program is wonderful. Thank you for helping us in many ways, even printing boarding passes + forms and especially placing us so thoughtfully. The school has been like our family here. We will see you next July. Katy

N.4 hinzugefügt am 08/03/2021:11.46
The online Italian lessons have been a lifesaver to me during the lockdown in 2020 and now also in 2021. It’s wonderful to meet my friends from all over the world twice a week in Susanna’s online classroom. Of course we learn a lot about the Italian language. We read interesting texts about Italy, it’s culture and nature and its food. We even give small presentations to each other in Italian or write short stories - very educational. I love to listen to my classmates while they tell us about Italy, their own experiences, their country and life. Very engaging and interesting, it certainly has broadened my outlook. Susanna inspires us all with her ideas and she also corrects our mistakes. So thank you, Susanna and thank you, wonderful people at LIS, for making these online lessons possible. And thank you, my inspiring classmates, it’s wonderful we can meet each week and I’ve learnt so much from you all. With love from Jet Sebus.

N.5 hinzugefügt am 18/08/2020:10.57
Name: Rodrigo Moraga
Origin: California, Usa
Cara Daniela, Ho appena finito la mia ultima lezione online con Agnese. Grazie per tutte le meravigliose lezioni di questa scuola. Ho imparato molto con Agnese. Lei è una insegnante divertente, intelligente e competente. “In Giro per l'Italia con le Canzoni” era particolarmente interessante e istruttiva. Consiglio sempre a tutti i miei amici e colleghi qui in California che studiare alla Lucca Italian School è stata la migliore esperienza che ho avuto durante tutti i miei viaggi in Europa. Dopo che la pandemia sará finita, ho intenzione di prendere piú lezioni nella tua scuola, ma questa volta, sul sito di nuovo. Arrivederci, Rodrigo