
Learn Italian language, live our Culture, Art and Tradition

Our mission and our goals. Read +


Home | Mission

Our mission lies in the effort to provide our students, beside effectively teaching them our language, with a practical and enjoyable experience of our way of life by sharing our own interests and leisure time activities, and pleasantly combine customer care and real life, aiming at a mutually enriching cultural exchange.

Our Italian language courses aim to give participants the tools to interpret Italian life, using language as the key to decoding our society and our culture in the broadest sense.


at a pub in Bargaat the market in LivornoAperitif at Osteria dello StellarioVilla Garzoni in Collodiour staff in the school gardenLunch at 5 TerreBetween Lerici and Portovenere, Gulf of the PoetsVisit to Maria Niemack's looms